VCC Spring Congregational Meeting

The VCC Spring Congregational Meeting was held on Sunday 6 May 2018 in the VCC Fellowship Hall, immediately following the Sunday worship service. The primary purpose of this meeting was the election of the new VCC Board 2018-2019. A description of the new Board members and Fellowship Coordinator is in the June Edition of the VCC Voice. The new Moderator, Mickela Moore, Esq., has been a member for over twenty years, served on the Board many times and  been active on many important committees, such as the Pastor Search Committee, the Property Acquisition Committee and recently the Recognition Agreement Committee (2018). She is supported by a strong team of enthusiastic and motivated Board members.

With the election of the new Board, we note that some of the younger members felt the call to be active participants in the life of the Church. The new Board will support the initiatives set into motion by the previous Board and plans to consolidate and grow its existing ministries in Christian Education, Worship, Music, Outreach and Fellowship, and add ministries that grow out of the needs of the congregation.

God is our foundation and fellowship is the glue that holds the congregation together and strengthens other important relationships. On behalf of the new Board and Fellowship Coordinator, I would like to express my thanks to all former Board members, and, especially, Anne Storey. Under her watch, fellowship support was given to every new activity started at the VCC during the past two years. Anne also presided over the excellently organised AFCU Spring Meeting held at the VCC Meeting Point here in Vienna in 2017, and without her and the team supporting her, it would not have been the success that we all would agree that it was!

We are grateful to the AFCU for the love, prayers and support of its members, and especially thankful to President Ted Ziemann, and the AFCU VCC team – Pastor James and Luray Wiberg, Pastor Jack and Helen Hustad, Walt and Pat Dietrich, and Katie Koob – for their enthusiasm and love of the VCC, and their tireless efforts to spread the news about the VCC among AFCU members to garner support for VCC’s ministry in Vienna!

The Lord is our guide in everything we do and he “gives strength to his people, the Lord blesses his people with peace.” Psalm 29:11

Pastor Gábor