Dedication and Celebration of the Sound, Light and Streaming project

Jun 30, 2023

Sound Light FornispieceThank you for your generosity!!

On Friday 28 April in Paris there was a dedication and celebration of the Sound, Light and Streaming project, made possible because you and others like you who dedicated time, talent and finances to the project, enabling ACP to extend its ability to share Christ’s message as the Beacon on the Seine during the pandemic and into the future!!!!.


Some donors and members of the American Foreign Christian Union Board were not able to attend the beautiful, fun, inspiring celebration.  A grateful ACP prepared the thirteen minute video clip below to share with you a feeling for the events of that evening.  It was really heartwarming to see the transformative impact you had on the Sanctuary at ACP and hear how this project supports ACP’s worship and music.  Pastor Paul Rock introduces the video and expresses everyone’s gratitude to you and all who contributed so generously to the project.


We hope you enjoy the video, Click on the link below:-


ACP Sound, Light and Streaming Celebration

I know some of you may have already seen a copy and so apologies for any duplication!   


On behalf of the American Foreign Christian Union, 


Thank you!!

Don Farnan