Luther – 500 Year Celebration

Jun 8, 2017

#ACBLuther500:  Tim’s Internship Project

Weekend Excursion to Worms, Germany

July 1-2, 2017

My internship project continues as I offer Luther-Reformation Excursions over the summer.  Our final excursion will be to take an overnight trip to visit our good friends Dietrich and Sisil in Worms, Germany.  There are a few towns significant to Martin Luther’s life; such as seeing the Wartburg Castle in Eisenach, where he translated the New Testament into German for the very first time.  Worms is a significant town in which Luther was called before the Roman Papal authority to recant his writings from the previous years, and it was this event in which he was formally accused of being a heretic to the Catholic Church and to God.  Luther swiftly fled the council grounds before they reconvened to charge him.

500 jahre reformation

ACBFrontLutheratWorms    Wartburg Castle


Saturday– July 1: Leave Early in the morning via Church Van, stop for lunch at Eisenach for picnic lunch and hike to Wartburg Castle, continue to Worms.

Stay overnight in Worms: Accommodations soon to be decided

Sunday– July 2: Worship in Worms,  Lunch and Tour, return to Berlin in the evening.

Costs: Contribute to fuel (25 Euro), food cost, museum entry.

Please join if interested: please RSVP to Intern Tim at

Cell phone: 0178 4505 967